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Mototrbike inspired tattoos

You walk past somebody in the street and they give you a second glance, a third maybe, and then take a step the other way, they pull their children away. Why, because not only are you a biker, but also you are covered in tattoos. Sound familiar? 

This stereotype has been floating around for years, not only is it untrue but it is insulting. 

You are not the only one. The smallest of tattoos can bring a bucket full of looks and comments that would make your chrome fade. But how many of those people have stopped to ask you why?

My tattoos represent my family, my travelling and my dream-like nature. It’s an expression of who I am. 

“Byron Potter, 31, Founder of Bikers of Northamptonshire said: “My tattoos are very personal to me and took weeks to decide what to have and where to have it…some of them remind me of bikes I”ve had and some remind me of loved ones I’ve lost and one of them is a family tradition…the same tattoo that my Dad has.”

So this page, is dedicated it to your skin art. So tell us, tell them what your tattoo means and why you got it.

Benn Churchill

Age: 34

Location: Streatham, South London

Bike: Honda, CBR1000RR Fireblade

Tattoo: Simmoncelli

Riding since: For 10 Years

The quote reads:  “You live more for five minutes going fast on a bit than other people do in all their life.”

Mark Blastland

Age: 34

Location: North East, Grimsby

Bike: Yamaha YZF, R6

Tattoo: Gears

Riding since: For 2 Years

The reason: Was T-boned while riding his bike, now has metal plates and screws in his tibia.

Kyle Coutts

Age: 20

Location: Lincolnshire

Bike: Yamaha YZF, R6

Tattoo: Hunter. S. Thompson

Riding since: For 3 Years

The quote reads:  “Faster, faster, until the thril of speed overcomes the fear of death.”

Archie Hadley

Age: 45

Location: Tipton

Bike: Suzuki 1250 Bandit

Tattoo: David Mann Piece

Riding: His whole life

The Reason: He has always liked this piece and David Mann’s work, so opted to have this done.

Graham Lister


Age: 28

Location: North-East Uk

Bike: "I'll take anything for a ride. ;)"

Riding: 16 Years


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